A passer-by of many years falls captive to the timeless charm of Roy Grounds' 'Moonbria'.
This is her unique story...
"For the 40 years before I came to live in "Moonbria" I had passed this unique building of unusual architectural grandeur, unique to anything else in Mathoura Road or surrounds, and I wondered at the circular structure taking the height of number 68 to another level up.
Today a beautiful light beams like a lighthouse welcoming the inhabitants and visitors to the area, and this unique little pocket of Toorak we call home.
I am one of the privileged residents now, enjoying the walkways of colourful plants & a garden of sculptures exuding the peace of days gone-by, including an enormous tree in the central courtyard offering both 'Moonbria' residents (& its dedicated wildlife) some instant shade, tranquility, and respite, from the hectic urban landscape outside". It is collectively a place of friendship for all dwellers alike.
"For me 'Moonbria' is not just a way of life...it is Life!'